Lung Leavin' Day

Let us take a break from all the fashion-related posts for a second and talk about something serious.

Have you ever heard about Lung Leavin' Day? Well, if you haven't, it's actually a day created to encourage people to face their fears!

Eight years ago, a woman named Heather was diagnosed with a rare cancer called mesothelioma just after giving birth her daughter Lily. She was told that she only had a mere 15 months left to live. However, after undergoing surgery that included the removal of her left lung, Heather's life was miraculously saved. Thus, Lung Leavin' Day was born. Last February 2nd, Heather and her family (husband Cameron Von St. James and daughter Lily) celebrated eight years of her being cancer-free!

Each year, they gather around a fire in their backyard with their friends and family, write down their biggest fears on a plate, and then smash them into the fire. They celebrate for those who are no longer with us, for those who continue to fight, for those who are currently going through a tough time in their life, and most importantly, they celebrate life.

I don't know about you, but this story was deeply touching for me and inspired me to appreciate my life a lot more, which I admittedly sometimes forget to do. Sometimes I waste so much time complaining about little inconsequential things and forget to truly enjoy the fact that I am alive. Heather's story really put things into perspective for me.

So today, I encourage you all to take a moment and be thankful for all of your blessings. Sure, life gets tough and bad things happen, but let us focus more on the positive things in our lives and the things and people that make us happy. Let your friends know how much you appreciate them, tell your mother and father that you love them, and live every day like it's the only one you have left. Life is fragile. Let's make the most of it while we can :)

I definitely think it' a good idea to have a special day at least once a year where we all write down our deepest fears on a piece of paper and throw it into a fire as a symbol of us overcoming our hardships. There will always be new problems to face, but let us stand tall and proud and fight them, because we are a lot stronger than we sometimes believe.

For more information about Lung Leavin' Day and the full inspiring story about Heather, click here.



  1. Inspiring story indeed! I believe in erasing FEAR in our lives. I'm scared of a lot of things but I do my best to face them. The only thing we should fear is the word FEAR itself. And you're right, we are a lot stronger than we think.. :)

    REAlity Bites

  2. Fear will always be fear unless we do something about it, so we have to face it. I myself got a lot of fears but i just think that they don't exist because if i don't think that way, then that fear will eat me out. Fear is all around us but mostly its inside our heads.

  3. I love this kind of posts. Really inspiring. I think we've done this during our recollection in college where we wrote our fears and problems in a sheet of paper and burned it :)

  4. Didn't know about this day, ths is awesome,thanks a lot for the share Kyle. Perfect because I am always in fear,but I am also always in faith <3

    love lots,


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