How to Start an Antique Jewellery Collection

Image by nickpix2012 via Flickr

You may have wanted to kick off your antique jewellery collection for years, but something has been holding you back. You don’t quite know what, but it just might be you don’t feel knowledgeable and experienced enough to start setting up your collection.

If this is the case, reading this article will do you the world of good! We will be discussing a range of details such as what you need to start looking into to get clued up on starting collecting your antique pieces.

By the end of this article, you should have learnt the fundamentals (apart from watching the famous Antiques Roadshow) on what goes into collecting successfully. Gathering knowledge from reputable sources is important. To become a savvy collector, it helps to get a feel of some real, authentic antique jewellery. A great place to go to is Kalmar Antiques in Sydney.

After becoming established in 1986, they have built a collection of some of the finest antique jewellery in Sydney. So if you are in the area, why not check them out or visit their store online!

Here’s how you are going to start building your collection:

1.   Get the learning process going. Start reading the right books to help you become a specialist in investing in antiques. You will need a sound knowledge of history, especially from the eras you are looking at purchasing your jewellery from. It also helps to choose a book with photos alongside to reinforce your knowledge. This also helps when it comes to choosing the pieces as you now have visual confirmation.
Read some great books to get you started on your exciting venture.

2.   Get to know the various timelines & styles. This is essential knowledge that will bring your collection to life. It will also ensue you have a vision and don’t just start collecting everything and anything.

3.   Invest in a high quality magnifying tool. This will become invaluable when you are doing evaluations up close and will lessen the risk element of a purchase.

4.   Ask the right questions. Always make sure that when you’re out and about handling jewellery, you start putting your knowledge to the test and applying it to what you are seeing.  For example, when at auctions, build connections with the specialists that can guide you in the right direction and get comfortable asking them a variety of questions.

5.   Don’t limit yourself. You need to be looking where the jewellery is. This could be at flea markets, trade shows and more. To get the best deals and the best options, it pays to know what’s going on in your area and close by. If you are in Sydney and are looking for some stunning antique earrings, it’s well worth visiting Kalmar Antiques. They offer a great selection from a number of time periods to quench your thirst for beautiful antique items.

So now you know a bit more about how to begin your collection, you will become much more confident in the initial process. Once you get things kicked off and build up your expertise, there will be no stopping you from building a magnificent collection. 

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