BEEP: Your Personal Event Organizer

There is no denying that technology has become a powerful influence over our daily lives. When we wake up, the first thing we do is check our notifications for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In fact, we spend most of our time chatting with people online instead of conversing with them face-to-face. While some may view this as a negative thing, it is still evident that technology has made life so much easier and convenient for everyone. Gone are the days when we would have to handwrite letters, send them by post, and wait for days on end for the other party to respond. Now, we can simply chat them up on the various Messengers available, call them via Skype, or simply send them a quick tweet. The best part? Replies are almost always instantaneous.

Though Facebook and Twitter has made conversing with our friends faster and easier, now there is a new app that will make event organizing just as convenient. The BEEP application, created for all Android and Apple users, is now available for download and serves as your personal event organizer. Though the launch party for the app will be held on June 26, 2015 (bloggers and media may now RSVP via 09175816580), I have had the chance to test out the app already and I must say, it's a real life-changer! Especially for business people or bloggers such as myself.

The app is available at the App Store and Play Store. With it, you can easily create your own event and make planning it such a breeze. On the home screen, you will easily find all of the events that you've already scheduled.

Simply click on one event to see its full details. You can see the general information about the event, the number of confirmed attendees, the list of people who are attending, and all of the new notifications.

The chat box makes it easy for you to update each other about any possible changes regarding the event, or simply to send everybody reminders.

The app's functions are so easy to use. For those of you who are always on the go, I definitely recommend that you download BEEP and check out all of the functions for yourself. Now, event planning has been made even easier! Simply invite people by adding their phone numbers to the group. The best part is that your privacy is ensured due to the fact that your number won't be visible to others in the same event group unless they already have you in their phone book.

The app is available now so feel free to tell me your experience with it. I will be blogging about the launch party soon so stay tuned!



  1. This is such a great app! I might have to download- maybe it will help me be a little bit more organised haha

    Rachel xx

  2. a very user friendly application... made my life easier, not just to remember but to also organize my meetings, events & etc. in short, made my life easier in a day to day basis..

  3. Great insightful post! Thanks for sharing this idea.

    Jessica |

  4. This looks like such a great app! Haven't heard of it before :)


  5. whoa! great app! :) I think I need thiiis, I will check this out.

    thanks for sharing


  6. That app is awesome! Thx for sharing, Kylie.

  7. OMG I need this app in my life!

    - Liz

  8. I'm starting to love this app coz having this made me organized my activities easily instead of using typical (notebook) planner I have already a mobile planner to remind me and my friends with the upcoming events/activities that we have. planner and reminder in one. Thanks BEEP!

  9. How cool is that app Kylie! never heard of this before but i've heard other similar apps. Di yata to mag wo-work sa 'kin coz I don't really have an organize closet hahaha

    love lots,

  10. Yay! This would be a great tool for those people who always have meetings and events! It would always be nice to keep in track of schedules ahead.

    ❤ A Beauty Bella ❤


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